Urban Forestry | Actividades Forestales Urbanas

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En Español

The urban forest is made up of all the woody vegetation in a city. In Lynn, that’s all the trees lining our streets, in our public parks, around our schools and businesses, in our cemeteries, and even on private properties.

Trees Matter!

Urban trees provide so many benefits - ones we think about a lot, like shade during heat waves, and stormwater absorption during floods - and ones we might think about less often, like wildlife habitat, clean air, healthy soils, and happier and safer communities. Trees also filter pollutants out of water, produce fresh air, absorb carbon dioxide, store carbon in their wood, beautify our neighborhoods, make us feel mentally and physically better, and they can even increase property values.

Trees in the city keep us cool and mitigate the urban heat island effect, which results in hotter neighborhoods where trees have died or have been removed, or where they were never planted in the first place. Trees bring people together - to do intergenerational good. The trees we plant, maintain, and protect will benefit both our generation and Lynners of the future.

New Tree Requests

Would you like a new tree planted at a specific address in Lynn? Please fill out our New Tree Request Form.

Requests can begin to be compiled for Spring and Fall 2025 potential planting. Please be aware that we are seeking to plant “Right Tree, Right Place,” and are hard at work building new capacity in urban forestry. Not every site can be planted (we cannot plant on top of underground utilities, in front of entryways or street signs, or where there is not enough soil for a tree to survive), and timing of planting is dependent on capacity. If you can get your neighbors on board, we can plant entire streets at a time!

Urban Forest Plan

Urban forest management involves tree inventory and assessment, tree planting, tree pruning, soil management, pest and disease monitoring and treatment, permitting, removal of dead or dying trees, community engagement, and much more. It's a necessary part of city operations, because an unmaintained urban forest costs more than an actively-maintained one.

To carry out the best possible urban forest management, create jobs, and improve resilient urban tree canopy citywide, the City of Lynn needs a sustainable Urban Forest Plan. Check back soon for updates on the Urban Forest Plan public process!

Urban Forestry Fellowship

In 2023, Mayor Jared Nicholson and the Planning Department responded to enthusiastic residents and worked to secure a $550,000 urban forestry grant. The grant allowed Lynn to hire an Urban Forestry Fellow for the next three years (2024 - 2027) to oversee the management, care, and preservation of trees in the City alongside the Tree Warden, DPW, and Community Development staff.

Erica Holm, ISA Certified Arborist NE-7775A, started as the Urban Forestry Fellow in June 2024, and is excited to serve the City of Lynn by increasing and amplifying its tremendous efforts to care for thousands of city trees.

Funding provided, in part, by the Inflation Reduction Act and the USDA Forest Service, Urban and Community Forestry Program in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation.

City of Lynn seal Arbor Day Foundation logo USFS logo

Actividades Forestales Urbanas

El bosque urbano está formado por toda la vegetación leñosa de una ciudad. En Lynn, son todos los árboles que bordean nuestras calles, en nuestros parques públicos, alrededor de nuestras escuelas y negocios, en nuestros cementerios e incluso en propiedades privadas.

¡Los Árboles Importan!

Los árboles urbanos aportan muchos beneficios - aquellos en los que pensamos mucho, como la sombra durante las olas de calor y la absorción de aguas pluviales durante las inundaciones - y otros en los que podríamos pensar con menos frecuencia, como el hábitat de la vida silvestre, el aire limpio, los suelos saludables y las comunidades más felices y seguras. Los árboles también filtran los contaminantes del agua, producen aire fresco, absorben dióxido de carbono, almacenan carbono en su madera, embellecen nuestros vecindarios, nos hacen sentir mejor mental y físicamente e incluso pueden aumentar el valor de las propiedades.

Los árboles en la ciudad nos mantienen frescos y mitigan el efecto de isla de calor urbano, que resulta en vecindarios más cálidos donde los árboles han muerto o han sido eliminados, o donde nunca fueron plantados en primer lugar. Los árboles unen a las personas para hacer el bien intergeneracional. Los árboles que plantamos, mantenemos y protegemos beneficiarán tanto a nuestra generación y a los residentes de Lynn del futuro.

Plan Forestal Urbano

La gestión de los bosques urbanos implica el inventario y la evaluación de árboles, la plantación y poda de árboles, la gestión del suelo, el seguimiento y tratamiento de plagas y enfermedades, la obtención de permisos, la eliminación de árboles muertos o moribundos, la participación de la comunidad y mucho más. Es una parte necesaria de las operaciones de la ciudad, porque un bosque urbano sin mantenimiento cuesta mucho más que uno mantenido activamente.

Para llevar a cabo la mejor gestión forestal urbana posible, crear empleos y mejorar la resiliencia de la cubierta de árboles urbana en toda la ciudad, la ciudad de Lynn necesita un Plan Forestal Urbano sostenible. ¡Vuelva pronto para obtener actualizaciones sobre el proceso público del Plan Forestal Urbano!

Coordinador de Forestación Urbana

En 2023, el Alcalde Jared Nicholson y el Departamento de Planificación respondieron a los residentes entusiastas y trabajaron para asegurar una subvención forestal urbana de $550,000. La subvención permitió a Lynn contratar a un Coordinador de Forestación Urbana durante los próximos tres años (2024 - 2027) para supervisar la gestión, el cuidado y la preservación de los árboles en la ciudad junto con el personal de Tree Warden, DPW y Desarrollo Comunitario. Erica Holm, arbolista certificada por la ISA NE-7775A, comenzó como Coordinadora de Forestación Urbana en junio de 2024 y está entusiasmada de servir a la Ciudad de Lynn aumentando y amplificando sus tremendos esfuerzos para cuidar miles de árboles de la ciudad.

Financiamiento proporcionado, en parte, por la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación y el Programa Forestal Urbano y Comunitario del Servicio Forestal de USDA en asociación con la Fundación del Día del Árbol.

En Español

The urban forest is made up of all the woody vegetation in a city. In Lynn, that’s all the trees lining our streets, in our public parks, around our schools and businesses, in our cemeteries, and even on private properties.

Trees Matter!

Urban trees provide so many benefits - ones we think about a lot, like shade during heat waves, and stormwater absorption during floods - and ones we might think about less often, like wildlife habitat, clean air, healthy soils, and happier and safer communities. Trees also filter pollutants out of water, produce fresh air, absorb carbon dioxide, store carbon in their wood, beautify our neighborhoods, make us feel mentally and physically better, and they can even increase property values.

Trees in the city keep us cool and mitigate the urban heat island effect, which results in hotter neighborhoods where trees have died or have been removed, or where they were never planted in the first place. Trees bring people together - to do intergenerational good. The trees we plant, maintain, and protect will benefit both our generation and Lynners of the future.

New Tree Requests

Would you like a new tree planted at a specific address in Lynn? Please fill out our New Tree Request Form.

Requests can begin to be compiled for Spring and Fall 2025 potential planting. Please be aware that we are seeking to plant “Right Tree, Right Place,” and are hard at work building new capacity in urban forestry. Not every site can be planted (we cannot plant on top of underground utilities, in front of entryways or street signs, or where there is not enough soil for a tree to survive), and timing of planting is dependent on capacity. If you can get your neighbors on board, we can plant entire streets at a time!

Urban Forest Plan

Urban forest management involves tree inventory and assessment, tree planting, tree pruning, soil management, pest and disease monitoring and treatment, permitting, removal of dead or dying trees, community engagement, and much more. It's a necessary part of city operations, because an unmaintained urban forest costs more than an actively-maintained one.

To carry out the best possible urban forest management, create jobs, and improve resilient urban tree canopy citywide, the City of Lynn needs a sustainable Urban Forest Plan. Check back soon for updates on the Urban Forest Plan public process!

Urban Forestry Fellowship

In 2023, Mayor Jared Nicholson and the Planning Department responded to enthusiastic residents and worked to secure a $550,000 urban forestry grant. The grant allowed Lynn to hire an Urban Forestry Fellow for the next three years (2024 - 2027) to oversee the management, care, and preservation of trees in the City alongside the Tree Warden, DPW, and Community Development staff.

Erica Holm, ISA Certified Arborist NE-7775A, started as the Urban Forestry Fellow in June 2024, and is excited to serve the City of Lynn by increasing and amplifying its tremendous efforts to care for thousands of city trees.

Funding provided, in part, by the Inflation Reduction Act and the USDA Forest Service, Urban and Community Forestry Program in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation.

City of Lynn seal Arbor Day Foundation logo USFS logo

Actividades Forestales Urbanas

El bosque urbano está formado por toda la vegetación leñosa de una ciudad. En Lynn, son todos los árboles que bordean nuestras calles, en nuestros parques públicos, alrededor de nuestras escuelas y negocios, en nuestros cementerios e incluso en propiedades privadas.

¡Los Árboles Importan!

Los árboles urbanos aportan muchos beneficios - aquellos en los que pensamos mucho, como la sombra durante las olas de calor y la absorción de aguas pluviales durante las inundaciones - y otros en los que podríamos pensar con menos frecuencia, como el hábitat de la vida silvestre, el aire limpio, los suelos saludables y las comunidades más felices y seguras. Los árboles también filtran los contaminantes del agua, producen aire fresco, absorben dióxido de carbono, almacenan carbono en su madera, embellecen nuestros vecindarios, nos hacen sentir mejor mental y físicamente e incluso pueden aumentar el valor de las propiedades.

Los árboles en la ciudad nos mantienen frescos y mitigan el efecto de isla de calor urbano, que resulta en vecindarios más cálidos donde los árboles han muerto o han sido eliminados, o donde nunca fueron plantados en primer lugar. Los árboles unen a las personas para hacer el bien intergeneracional. Los árboles que plantamos, mantenemos y protegemos beneficiarán tanto a nuestra generación y a los residentes de Lynn del futuro.

Plan Forestal Urbano

La gestión de los bosques urbanos implica el inventario y la evaluación de árboles, la plantación y poda de árboles, la gestión del suelo, el seguimiento y tratamiento de plagas y enfermedades, la obtención de permisos, la eliminación de árboles muertos o moribundos, la participación de la comunidad y mucho más. Es una parte necesaria de las operaciones de la ciudad, porque un bosque urbano sin mantenimiento cuesta mucho más que uno mantenido activamente.

Para llevar a cabo la mejor gestión forestal urbana posible, crear empleos y mejorar la resiliencia de la cubierta de árboles urbana en toda la ciudad, la ciudad de Lynn necesita un Plan Forestal Urbano sostenible. ¡Vuelva pronto para obtener actualizaciones sobre el proceso público del Plan Forestal Urbano!

Coordinador de Forestación Urbana

En 2023, el Alcalde Jared Nicholson y el Departamento de Planificación respondieron a los residentes entusiastas y trabajaron para asegurar una subvención forestal urbana de $550,000. La subvención permitió a Lynn contratar a un Coordinador de Forestación Urbana durante los próximos tres años (2024 - 2027) para supervisar la gestión, el cuidado y la preservación de los árboles en la ciudad junto con el personal de Tree Warden, DPW y Desarrollo Comunitario. Erica Holm, arbolista certificada por la ISA NE-7775A, comenzó como Coordinadora de Forestación Urbana en junio de 2024 y está entusiasmada de servir a la Ciudad de Lynn aumentando y amplificando sus tremendos esfuerzos para cuidar miles de árboles de la ciudad.

Financiamiento proporcionado, en parte, por la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación y el Programa Forestal Urbano y Comunitario del Servicio Forestal de USDA en asociación con la Fundación del Día del Árbol.

  • Nice to meet you! I'm a new tree! 🌳

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    New Tree Care

    New trees require extra care - especially while they are establishing new roots in urban environments. To create tree canopy, filter more water, create more clean air, and store more carbon, we need our new trees to grow.

    Here are some resources on how we can best help our trees while they establish:

    In Lynn, we are planting 150 new trees which require 2 years of watering and receive check-ups from the Urban Forestry Fellow. Each tree needs 20 gallons of water per week, applied once per week, so that the water goes deeply into the soil around the tree. That's why there is a green watering bag around each new tree's trunk. This bag also protects the tree (hopefully!) from mower and weed whip damage.

    Do you have a question about a new tree? Please email eholm@lynnma.gov with your questions, and include a picture and the number written on its tag if you can!

    Fall 2024 Tree Planting Season

    Thank you to everyone who supported our successful Fall 2024 tree planting season! We are pleased to report that we planted a total of 32 new trees this fall. There were 14 different species planted, boosting biodiversity and following the "Right Tree, Right Place" concept in Wards 1, 3, 4, and 6.

    These were bare root trees from Chestnut Ridge Nursery, which arrived on October 22 at the Department of Public Works. The DPW worked with us to provide a staging area while trees awaited planting, water (critical for tree planting), and an F550 to transport the trees, mulch, loam, tools, and supplies to their planting locations. We were also fortunate to have the assistance of Roca Inc. and DPW tree and cemetery crew members on 10/24, 10/29, 11/5, and 11/7 to finish planting trees.

    These 32 trees kick off our $550k grant, which seeks to plant 150 trees by June 2027, develop a youth program, and produce an Urban Forest Plan for the City. They will help reduce urban heat island effect, filter air and stormwater, and improve our communities.

    Looking forward to Spring 2025, we are accepting New Tree Requests! Fill out the online form, or email eholm@lynnma.gov with your address and request.

  • Seeking Interest in a Lynn Tree Committee

    Share Seeking Interest in a Lynn Tree Committee on Facebook Share Seeking Interest in a Lynn Tree Committee on Twitter Share Seeking Interest in a Lynn Tree Committee on Linkedin Email Seeking Interest in a Lynn Tree Committee link
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    Fill out this form to let the City of Lynn know your thoughts on a Tree Committee! (Formulario de Interés del Comité de Árboles de Lynn)

    What is a Tree Committee?
    A Tree Committee is a local citizen-led group that works with public officials to improve the health of the urban forest (trees in the city) through advocacy, education, management, plantings, and/or maintenance activities. Not every municipality has one, and in those that do, they can be set up differently.

    Learn more here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/tree-boards-and-committees-fact-sheets/download

    Examples of Tree Committees:

    Please share this form with anyone you think may be interested in providing feedback. Have a question or concern? Contact Erica Holm, Urban Forestry Fellow, at eholm@lynnma.gov or 781-586-6729.

Page last updated: 20 Nov 2024, 12:27 PM