January 2025 Project Update
Work is underway on the Whyte's Laundromat site, thanks to the generous support from a variety of entities. The U.S. EPA has provided additional Targeted Brownfields Assessment funds for our site, in addition to our cleanup grant, to help us get some more up-to-date data to inform our cleanup strategy. We anticipate getting that data back shortly.
In addition, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection has awarded us $55,000 towards site preparation activities. Due to the challenging topography of this site, this work plays an outsized role in the successful remediation of the property. Using this funds, we will be able to clean trash out of the site, conduct a site survey, and install a permanent fence around the pit beginning on Monday, January 27. We hope this fence will provide more security for the site, disincentivize dumping, and make the space easier for our remediation crew to work on.
Once the site is secured and our next round of assessment is complete, we will host another Committee meeting and begin working in earnest on remediation bid documents.
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