Accessory Dwelling Unit Policy

The Massachusetts Legislature recently passed a law that makes Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) allowed by-right in single-family housing districts, and the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities subsequently issued draft regulations providing further guidance. The new law will be in effect on February 2, 2025. You can read more about the changes in rules and the draft guidelines at
Municipalities are allowed to adopt regulations governing ADUs in their communities, but there are limits. The Zoning Working Group - which is made up of representatives from the Planning, Law, Inspectional Services Departments, Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, EDIC/Lynn, the Mayor's Office, and City Council - has been working with a consultant team to create local rules that align with the regulations as proposed.
The Lynn City Council set down a public hearing to consider this proposed amendment for Tuesday, February 11. You can review the draft regulations here, or tune in for the public hearing to learn more.