Vision Lynn Steering Committee
Thank you so much to everyone who applied to participate in the Vision Lynn Steering Committee. We are pleased to announce the following members of the committee.
- Bill Bochnak (Project Coordinator, EDIC/Lynn)
- Bob Stilian (Chair, Planning Board)
- Councilor-At-Large Brian LaPierre
- Bruno Eusebio
- Christina Luca
- Christopher Gomez-Farewell (Director, Elder Services)
- Cleo Hereford
- Ward 3 Councilor Coco Alinsug
- Danya Smith (Policy Director, City of Lynn)
- Deb Ruggiero (Superintendent, Lynn Public Schools)
- Debbie Parris
- Diana Cherubin
- Dylan Cashman
- Elizabeth Figueroa
- Elizabeth Rosario (Outreach Coordinator, LHAND)
- Faustina Cuevas (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator)
- Gildardo Alzate
- Gordon R Hall
- Hugo A Carvajal
- Joe Scianatico
- Jonathon Feinberg
- Jordan T Avery
- Joseph Furnari
- Josilane Santos
- Kurt Lange
- Lauren Hogan
- Layheab Ly
- Ludia Modi
- Magalie Rowe
- Natasha Soolkin
- Sylvia Odiana
- Tanveer Malik
- Teri Krawitz
- Tia Cole
- Valerie Vong (Communications Manager, City of Lynn)
These members have rich ties to the Lynn community, and many have long track records of working in or advocating for Lynners. The Steering Committee members each bring rich connections to the community and unique perspectives. As a whole, the Committee speaks 11 languages and a majority identify as people of color. There are also representatives who are foreign-born, lifelong Lynners, members of the LGBQTIA+ community, parents, elders, youth, and residents of each ward.
What is the role of the Steering Committee? The Vision Lynn Steering Committee is tasked with assisting the Planning Department in maximizing community participation throughout the planning process. Members will meet monthly to design and promote engagement opportunities, help think critically about if there are any voices missing from the conversation, and ensure that drafts of the plan are consistent with the feedback collected. The Committee will not be writing the plan, and members will be invited to participate in the process along with the rest of the community.
How was the Committee selected? A selection committee made up of Mayor Thomas McGee, Mayor-Elect Jared Nicholson, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator Faustina Cuevas, Councilor Dianna Chakoutis, Planning Board Chair Bob Stilian, Human Rights Commission Chair Audrey Jimenez, and Principal Planning Director Aaron Clausen reviewed the 37 public applications and made selections with the goal of establishing an effective and diverse Committee.
What happens next? The Vision Lynn Steering Committee will begin meeting soon to prepare for public engagement opportunities, which will be held throughout 2022. Register for Lynn In Common to receive updates.

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