Strategies for Lynn
With feedback from over a thousand Lynners online and in person, we were able to create our three vision statements:
Lynn will be a city where people feel safe and comfortable to live, work, learn, and play.
Lynn will be a city where all community members have the housing, transportation access, social connections, and educational or economic opportunities to live a fulfilling life.
Lynn will be a city to be proud of, with strong, diverse, and connected communities that take care of our shared spaces, natural resources, and each other.
The next step is to turn these visions into strategies. For example, if we know that we want to feel safe in our community, what activities do we think could make that happen? We have generated a list of 39 strategies that we think can push our community toward our shared vision, but we need your help to review our draft and tell us what you think.
Take the survey to review the strategies you care about and give them a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
Changes to our roads and improvements to our transit system can make our streets safer and more pleasant for pedestrians, bikers, and drivers.
Establishing an unarmed crisis response team will help us efficiently and culturally address mental health, substance abuse, homelessness and other concerns in our community.
Empowering and protecting tenants in conjunction with inspecting rental units can help us improve living conditions in Lynn’s housing.
Ensuring our routes to school and surrounding public realm are safe and well-maintained will improve safety for students and all Lynners.
Investing in public infrastructure like trees, cooling zones, and splash pads will help make the city more comfortable in hot weather.
Providing youth with activities, gathering spaces, and opportunities to participate in civic life will support our youth and make our city safer.
Supporting union labor and worker's rights will improve safety in the workplace.
Investing in trash cleanup will make our streets and parks more beautiful and enjoyable places to be and build community pride.
Ensuring Lynn has a strong healthcare ecosystem, including an emergency room, addiction recovery services, mental health support, and other healthcare initiatives will make our community healthier and safer.
Cleaning up contaminated properties will make Lynn a healthier place to live.
Protecting the rights of and providing opportunities to immigrants will help everyone feel safe in our community.
Implementing the Safe Streets for People Playbook will reduce crashes on our streets.
Attempting to mitigate and preparing to adapt to climate change will be essential to protecting our community members in the future.
Adding new housing units, including permanently affordable units for low-income households is necessary to ensure all Lynners have safe, affordable, and accessible housing.
Implementing the Housing Lynn plan will help expand affordable housing in Lynn and prevent displacement.
Preserving existing affordable housing units and ensuring they are well-maintained is an essential component of meeting affordable housing demand.
Implementing the Lynn Transit Access Plan will enable us to improve transportation access, reduce vehicular congestion, and support economic development.
Attracting new jobs to Lynn and ensuring we have the workforce development programs to fill them will increase economic opportunity for our residents.
Investing in and championing our schools will ensure that all Lynn students get a terrific education.
Ensuring that all community members have access to the parks, playgrounds, and recreational amenities will make Lynn a great place to live.
Ensuring City Hall is accessible, transparent, and communicative to all will help residents feel more comfortable utilizing government services and advocating for themselves and their communities.
Supporting our local businesses will provide entrepreneurial opportunities for residents and support our vibrant commercial districts.
Creating neighborhoods that offer access to a variety of goods, services and amenities within a 15-minute walk will make Lynn communities convenient and accessible.
Ensuring that city governance is responsive to the evolving multilingual needs of the community is necessary to better serve Lynners.
Investing in a coordinated ecosystem of food programs will ensure that all Lynners have access to healthy, fresh, and culturally appropriate food.
Planning for new school buildings that eliminate overcrowding and incorporate modern learning facilities is essential to providing all students with a high-quality education.
By making our schools more inclusive to students regardless of language, ability, and background, instruction will become more powerful and the social-emotional needs of students will be supported.
Expanding access to early childhood education will help us prepare students for long-term success.
Eliminating the digital access gap and building digital skills in our community will increase educational and economic opportunities for Lynners.
By proactively bringing more employers in growing industries to Lynn, we can maximize job opportunities for Lynners and create a more fiscally healthy city.
Creating opportunities and providing spaces for Lynners to build social ties with each other will strengthen community resilience.
Telling a positive story about Lynn will help us drive economic development in a way that honors what’s great about Lynn.
Building connections across different communities and organizations will help us tackle Lynn’s biggest challenges.
Maintaining our existing civic spaces, natural resources, and infrastructure will help us improve the quality of life for Lynners.
A robust arts and culture ecosystem can help us continue the Lynn tradition of well-connected, supportive communities and drive economic development.
Taking action to clean up King's Beach and remediate other environmentally contaminated sites is essential to preserving Lynn's natural resources.
Exercising responsible, long-term fiscal planning is necessary to ensure a financially sustainable and economically resilient city.
Establishing design standards will help us shape future development that is equitable, sustainable, and compatible with existing development patterns in Lynn.
Promoting redevelopment in areas of existing activity that have access to transit, infrastructure and amenities will help us create places where people want to be.
Take the survey to review the strategies you care about and give them a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

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