Public Comment Period Summary
On April 11, we released a draft version of Vision Lynn to the public, with a comment period that extended through May 15. In that time period:
- 1,500 people visited the project page and 678 downloaded the plan
- 10 people attended an office hours session, either in person or online
- 9 people sent email comments regarding Vision Lynn
- 1 person wrote a letter to the editor
The comments we received touched on many different topics, including housing, taxes, transportation, safety, schools, and the environment. In general, we felt that the feedback was consistent with what we heard through the entire community engagement process.
Thanks to these comments, we have made the following changes to the draft in advance of releasing the final plan:
- Introduction:
- We included a link to the infrastructure map, which highlights some key infrastructure projects the city is working on.
- Land Use and Urban Form:
- We emphasized in the transform and enhance districts that we want to protect and support existing assets.
- Infrastructure and Implementation:
- We added some additional detail about the Safe Routes to School program and what action items we could take.
- We added a paragraph about water conservation policies and strategies.
- We added some additional analysis about the number of students who live in new multifamily development in the "Infrastructure and Implementation" chapter.
- We added a paragraph about heat island effect.
- We made a variety of minor corrections and formatting changes throughout the document and re-worded a few sentences and paragraphs for clarity and accuracy.
We are now pleased to share the final draft of the plan, which we will be presenting to the City Council and to the Planning Board on June 27.

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