About Vision Lynn

What is a comprehensive plan?
A comprehensive plan, sometimes referred to as a master plan, is a document that captures the vision, values, and goals of our community and outlines the development and infrastructure we will need to achieve them. Vision Lynn will become a guiding document for other work City staff and elected officials do, as well as an important communication tool that will tell outsiders who we are and what we want for Lynn in terms of housing, economic development, climate resilience, and more.
What will Vision Lynn look like?
Vision Lynn will have three main sections:
- Vision, Values & Goals - What are our greatest strengths worth preserving? What is important to our community? Where would we like to be in twenty years? This section is like a mission statement for the Lynn community.
- Land Use & Urban Form - In this section, we'll explore how to achieve our vision through development and investment in our community. Where are we comfortable with more development? What areas should stay the same? How can we encourage development that meets our goals and is consistent with our values?
- Infrastructure - This section will consider what kind of infrastructure improvements are needed to make the rest of the plan possible. Where do we need improved roads or intersections? How can we protect ourselves from climate change? What kinds of parks, transportation, or water management will we need to support the vision we've created?
What is the timeline for Vision Lynn?
2021: The process begins with a Kickoff Survey (fill it out yourself here!), an existing conditions analysis, and the creation of our Steering Committee (apply to serve on the committee by Sunday, October 17 here).
2022: The Steering Committee begins meeting and the Planning Department, aided by a consultant, begins community engagement. We'll use a wide variety of strategies to talk with people, including public meetings, small forums, collaborations with local organizations, tabling at public events, and more. In early 2022 we will be able to share more detailed information about what this community engagement will look like.
To start, we'll focus on the Vision, Values and Goals section. Once we have enough input from the community to draft that section, we'll begin engagement on Land Use & Urban Form, and then Infrastructure. Throughout the process, we will be working closely with our Steering Committee to ensure we are hearing from all corners of our community. We will also provide updates to the City Council and Planning Board and meet with City staff.
2023: In early 2023, we hope that a draft will be complete. Comprehensive Plans are adopted by the Planning Board, but we hope to earn an endorsement from the City Council and our Steering Committee to ensure that our plan is reflective of our community.
How can I stay involved?
Take our Kickoff Survey and give us permission to text or email you updates, or you can register for Lynn in Common to get email updates from this web site. We will also keep updating our project page throughout the planning process.

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